Any IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) member can be a Member of the Technical Committee (TC). To join you simply subscribe to the CNOM mailing list, by visiting:

Please note that a CNOM Member is considered an Active Member if he/she satisfies at least one of the following conditions in the last two years:

  • has attended (physically present or by teleconference) at least one of the regularly scheduled CNOM meetings
  • has served as a TPC or OC member for CNOM sponsored conferences, such as IEEE NOMS/IM, CNSM, APNOMS, LANOMS
  • has served as an editorial board member or editorial advisory board member for CNOM supported journals, namely JNSM or TNSM

Being an active member means that, unless you are a IEEE student member, you have voting rights for CNOM officer elections.

Please refer CNOM Policies & Procedures  to see the complete description of the membership.