Minutes of CNOM/IFIP WG 6.6 Joint Meeting @ CNSM 2021
09 September, 2022
CNOM/IFIP WG6.6 Joint Meeting (held online via IEEE Webex), October 25, 2021. The summary of the meeting is as follows.
- Noura (CNOM Chair) and Rémi (IFIP WG6.6 Chair) chaired the meeting.
- Noura initiated the meeting by welcoming the attendees and presenting the agenda.
- Noura presented the CNOM organization structure, goals, current officers, and how to become an active member.
- Prosper remembered that Netsoft is a fully endorsed CNOM conference and serving as TPC/OC member of it could also count to becoming a CNOM active member. Marinos mentioned the possibility to formalize the inclusion of Netsoft in the policies and procedures.
- Rémi provided an overview of IFIP/TC6, the WG6.6 activities, and how to get involved.
- Rémi presented recent conference statistics and upcoming events.
- Prosper provided further information about the CNSM 2021.
- Noura continued the meeting by providing detailed information about the journals.
- Carlos presented an overview of the network and service management taxonomy, provided detailed information about the conducted efforts to update it, showed the introduced new topics, and mentioned that the new taxonomy is already being used in the IEEE TNSM.
- Marinos provided an update on the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), their goals, and activities, briefly overviewed the four current SIGs and mentioned that two new SIGs are being prepared.
- Noura:
- Presented the current CNOM Awards
- Provided further information on the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program
- Detailed the ComSoc Student Competition
- Described the opportunities for young researchers
- Noura concluded the meeting, thanked the attendees, and opened to questions.
- Filip suggested shifting the deadline of CNOM Awards from the end of February to one month earlier.
- Marinos mentioned the need to find a replacement for Noura as chair of the Young Professional Award.
- Filip asked which activities were being planned for 2022. Marinos mentioned that one SIG is planning to submit a workshop for NOMS2022. Lisandro mentioned that NOMS already received 9 submissions for workshops. Prosper suggested moving some of those workshops to another event like Netsoft. Noura also mentioned the doctoral symposium.
- List of attendees:
- Noura Limam
- Rémi Badonnel
- Burkhard Stiller
- Carlos Raniery
- Diarmuid Corcoran
- Vaibhav Bajpai
- Marinos Charalambides
- Lisandro Z. Granville
- Jose Santos
- Marco Savi
- Raouf Boutaba
- Prosper Chemouil
- Walter Cerroni
- Jürgen Schönwälder
- Yulei Wu
- Amina Boubendir
- Estefania Coronado
- Yixin Diao
- Paulo Simoes
- Marc-Oliver Pahl
- Yacine
- Filip De Turck
- Carol Fung
- Marco Savi
- Stefano Secci